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It all started when…

The previous owners of The Daily Grind were ready to hand off the baton and really wanted the next owners to have the best interest of the community in mind.  It all began with a knock at the front door. They had noticed our passion for Marshall and literally came to our door to ask if we would consider this investment.  We were excited and amazed at the same time to be given the opportunity to take on such a huge responsibility.

Gina and Polly met for the first time at the Ymca, dropping their babies off at childwatch.  Gina, growing up in Marshall and residing her whole life recognized Polly as a new face in town.  Having littles Gina right away invited Polly to her Moms group she was apart of at that time. The more they talked, the more they found in common with one another.  Both being raised in large families, both stay at home moms, and both having husbands who own their own businesses.

Shortly after we met, we discovered their shared dreams of someday working in a coffee shop. We love people, coffee, and making everyone feel like they belong.  So the dream of a coffee shop seemed beautiful.

Fast forward a few years and the opportunity to buy the Daily Grind literally came knocking at Gina’s doorstep.  The answer became clear that this was meant to be as every door opened wide as we began this journey.

The previous owners helped the transition of ownership flow smoothly.  They were kind and generous. We had absolutely no previous business experience; so every piece of advice they offered was extremely appreciated.

From the start, we were confident in the way our employees vision for the business aligned.  Their passion for people, food, and our community were beautiful. We are amazed at their work ethic, their people skills and their reputation for hospitality is top notch.

We renamed The Daily Grind “Main-Stay Cafe” because of its meaning. Mainstay means :something that provides support and makes it possible for something  to exist or succeed. We want to provide delicious food and drinks that nourish the body and provide an atmosphere that nourishes the soul. We don’t just want to fill people’s tummies, we want to fill people’s whole being.

So in a nutshell we hope to provide support for our employees and our community and make it possible for everyone to become better.  We hope our cafe is a place where people come to be fed, completely. We want everyone to feel like they are a part of something important every time they walk through our doors.  We hope to host more events and involve community members who want to bless our city as well.